How to use SwitchyOmega

What is  SwitchyOmega?

SwitchyOmega is a Chrome or Firefox extension that helps you manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.

Download and install SwitchyOmega extension:

Configure SwitchyOmega extension on Chrome or Firefox:

1. Click on SwitchyOmega icon in your top right browser and open Options.

2. Click on New profile in the PROFILES tab.

3. In the pop-up window, under Profile name write down the name you prefer. Select the Proxy Profile option and hit Create.

4. In the generated table, select the Protocol.

5. Type in your preferred endpoint details in Server and Port. 

      • For mobile proxy you only need to fill in the first two boxes (DNS name and Port) since it uses your whitelisted IP as a form of authentification and then skip to Step 7

      • For residential proxy you also need to check “Save Login Details” and fill both boxes since it uses username and password as a form of authentification

6. In the pop-up field type in your Username and Password and press Save changes button.

7. To apply settings and create a profile for your proxy, click Apply changes under Actions.

8. In order to use the proxy click on the Switchyomega icon and then select the proxy you just configured.

By following these steps, you can set up and configure SwitchyOmega to manage your proxy settings effectively in Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or other Chromium-based browsers.

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