SwitchyOmega is a Chrome or Firefox extension that helps you manage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
Download and install SwitchyOmega extension:
Configure SwitchyOmega extension on Chrome or Firefox:
1. Click on SwitchyOmega icon in your top right browser and open Options.
2. Click on New profile in the PROFILES tab.
3. In the pop-up window, under Profile name write down the name you prefer. Select the Proxy Profile option and hit Create.
4. In the generated table, select the Protocol.
- For mobile proxy you can order either HTTPS or SOCKS5
- For residential proxy we only support HTTP/HTTPS protocols
5. Type in your preferred endpoint details in Server and Port.
- For mobile proxy you only need to fill in the first two boxes (DNS name and Port) since it uses your whitelisted IP as a form of authentification and then skip to Step 7
- For residential proxy you also need to check “Save Login Details” and fill both boxes since it uses username and password as a form of authentification
6. In the pop-up field type in your Username and Password and press Save changes button.
7. To apply settings and create a profile for your proxy, click Apply changes under Actions.
8. In order to use the proxy click on the Switchyomega icon and then select the proxy you just configured.