What Is WebRTC

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project designed to facilitate real-time communication directly within web browsers and mobile apps. It supports the transmission of audio, video, and data between peers without requiring any plugins or additional software.

Key Features of WebRTC

Peer-to-Peer Communication:

  • WebRTC allows for direct communication between devices, reducing latency and improving data transfer speeds.

Audio and Video Streaming:

  • It supports real-time audio and video streaming, making it ideal for video conferencing, online gaming, and live broadcasting.

Data Channels:

  • WebRTC enables the transfer of arbitrary data between peers, suitable for file sharing, messaging, and real-time gaming applications.

Cross-Platform Support:

  • It is compatible with major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and mobile platforms (iOS, Android), ensuring wide accessibility and usability.


  • WebRTC employs encryption standards, ensuring all communications are secure. Data transmitted is encrypted using DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security) and SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol).

Common Use Cases For WebRTC

Video Conferencing:

  • WebRTC is used in platforms like Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams for real-time video and audio communication.

Live Streaming:

  • Live streaming services use WebRTC to broadcast video in real-time.

Online Gaming:

  • It facilitates real-time data exchange for multiplayer games.

File Sharing:

  • WebRTC allows for peer-to-peer file transfer without the need for a central server.

Remote Desktop and Assistance:

  • It is used in remote desktop applications to stream screen content from one computer to another.


  • No Plugins Required: WebRTC operates directly within the browser, eliminating the need for additional software or plugins.
  • Low Latency: It offers real-time communication with minimal delay, crucial for interactive applications.
  • Scalability: WebRTC supports a wide range of applications, from simple file sharing to complex video conferencing systems.

How WebRTC Works


  • Signaling exchanges metadata between peers before communication begins. This process establishes a connection, negotiates media types, and sets up data channels.

Media Capture and Encoding:

  • WebRTC captures audio and video from the user’s device, encodes it, and prepares it for transmission.

Peer Connection:

  • It creates a peer-to-peer connection using ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment) to handle network traversal and connectivity.

Data Transmission:

  • WebRTC uses RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) for media streaming and SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) for data channels to ensure reliable delivery.

WebRTC is a versatile technology that enables seamless real-time communication, making it a crucial component in modern web and mobile applications.

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